04 March 2006
* Don't call me Kat. *
Casey calls me and asks me if he can use my computer to print something. All good. Sure. No problem.
My blog is my homepage. =S
It like just opened up in front of him and I'm like omfg. The first line was the one about me dumping him and i'm like "holy fuck". Okay so I didn't SAY it actually but I closed the window. And now the post is gone. It's not a bad post it's just gone now.
I got this from Carolyn. I thought it was funny so instead of forwarding it to people who would possibly beat me to a pulp for spamming their inboxes I decided to post it here, where people can choose to read it of their own free will.
20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level of Insanity
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point your Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with That.
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over their Caffeine Addictions, Switch To Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds"
7. Finish All Your sentences with "In accordance With The Prophecy."
8. Don't use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10. Order a diet water whenever you go out to eat with a serious face.
11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
12. Sing Along At The Opera.
13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.
15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In The Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling
Name, Rock Bottom.
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."
20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity.......
Send This To Someone To Make Them Smile.
Its Called Therapy.
Okay so I started this blog post like 14million years ago. Yeah I lie. It was like 4 hours ago. It's been sitting here on my computer since then.
I'm hungry and thinking of having dinner.
Oh by the way, Casey's name isn't Casey. :O I know, I had no idea. Anyway it's his middle name but it's what everybody calls him. No, I am not telling you what his first name actually is. :P for me to know.
I planned to work yesterday, that didn't happen, I really planned to work today, that really didn't happen. So i've got to all my idiotic work tomorrow. Argh i'm so screwed. I'm falling behind and it's not even week three yet.
I'm starting to miss people properly now. Like at the beginning of the move it's all new and fresh and it's really cool to meet new people and brag about your totally cool new life. Then after you settle in you start thinking about home and all the people that you don't really see anymore. It makes you kinda sad. So now i'm kinda sad. Bloody hell I didn't think i'd get homesick. It's not like I can go home for the weekend to be with my family or anything. My parents are on a flippin cruise in South America or something at the moment. My brother called today but I had to get him to call back later and when he did I wasn't in the room and then I got him to call me back at like 11:30 and we have this like tiny conversation about nothing and it's like 'argh this is annoying'.
Oh and I miss my baby cat. The little devil is apparently driving Jess crazy. Woo!
03 March 2006
* Uni has corrupted me. *
Last night I kinda broke up with Casey. Then we talked and we're kinda back together again. Yes I know... first date is still tonight.
It all steamrolled and I reserve the right to blame 50% of the entire problem on Damian.
It kinda started with Speed Dating last night. Arscott house was having a Speed Dating get together and all these people had signed up. Casey called me at like 8:30 ish and I asked him where he was and he told me he was in the courtyard speed dating. I was a little miffed okay. And I knew that he was only doing it to meet more people and to mingle but I still felt a little jealous and all that. So anyway it was Uni Bar night and I felt like dressing up a bit so I wore my grey shirt and brown pants and put on some jewellery and my nice formal shoes. The plan was for Caitlin, Damian and I to meet in Damian's room, watch Lost and the Amazing Race on tv and then wander up to the bar. The reason for tv first was so that we could drink without having to pay for the alcohol. So anyway I got down to Damian's at about 9 and caitlin arrived at around 9:30ish. We missed most of Lost.
Since i'm not eating very well at all I had forgotten to have dinner that night (I had lunch at 4pm tho, so it could be considered a very early dinner). I wasn't hungry or anything but by the end of my second drink I was having a bit of trouble walking properly. John knocked on the door and said that everyone was going up to the Uni Bar so we walked up. Damian got a lift with the mini bus but there wasn't room for the rest of us. I just kept talking on the trip. Argh.
So anyway at the Uni Bar i'm kind of avoiding Casey coz I was still a little upset about Speed Dating and + I was kinda drunk and didn't really want to talk to him in that state. Damian played pool for a while. Caitlin and I went to get him a burbon and coke (blerg) and this guy said to Caitlin "What are you getting?" and she's like "burbon and coke" and he's like "i'll shout it" and she's like "nah, it's for a friend" but I was like, darnit, Damian coulda got his drink bought by another guy. Hehehe. So anyway. Playing pool.
Chloe comes up to me and askes if I could take her to the bathroom coz she thinks she's gonna be sick, she had two bottles of passion pop before she arrived at the bar. So I take her, she doesn't throw up, she meets a friend and decides to go dancing so I leave her. I run into Casey on the way back to the pool table. We chat a bit, he's holding two beers (blerg).
I get back to pool with the guys... manage to sink no balls whatsoever. Adam says that he wants to go home, we plan to after the game. Chloe comes up to me and asks if I can walk her home so i'm like "fine" and Adam comes with us.
Omg Chloe is the biggest pain in the entire world. She was absolutely smashed. She decides, against our advice, to take off her shoes on the way back and ends up with a cut in her heel that bleeds all over the stairs on the way back to her room. We walk her back and talk to her and keep telling her that nobody hates her and all that junk. We don't manage to get her to her room but we make it to the common room. Bob is there and so we talk to him (it was after midnight so he just turned 18 so we said Happy Birthday). We get a bucket from her room and I get my first aid kit.
In the end she ends up throwing up in the bucket and sleeping with it under her chin on the couch. Adam and I leave her there eventually because she falls asleep, I know I should have stayed with her but she seemed alright and I wasn't going to sleep there all night.
So I call Caitlin and she comes down to Arscott and Caitlin, Adam and I play pool in the green room. Casey comes back from the Uni bar too and we chat for a bit in the tv green room. Oh by the way, they call it the green room but there is actually a pool room, a giant room with a giant tv, and another long room with two tv's in it out the back. So it's the green room(s). Yeah so we were talking in the tv green room and Logan and a girl were sitting in the green room playing/watching the guys play pool. So anyway the girl comes in to change the channel and she saw us kissing and she's like "oooh, look at you two" and I don't mind coz I don't know her but I sort of know Logan and he saw too.
John was pissed in the uni bar earlier in the night and he asked what was going on with me and Damian and he's like "there's something there" and i'm like "its not gonna happen" and he's like "why" but we wouldn't tell him, Casey dont seem to be into the whole public knowledge thing. ooh u know what he said tho. John (Caitlin's John) was like "is it someone else?" and i didn't say anything and he's like "is it case?" and I laugh and i'm like "where'd you get that from?" and he's like "I duno"
So anyway the point of that paragraph is that Logan is friends with John.
This is where it's gonna start to get tricky, and i'm gonna not want to type everything that happened. So beware of the bias.
The night before this all happened Casey and I were hanging out and we were pretty close to falling asleep on my bed together... and I didn't mind. So thursday, he asked me if I wanted to fall asleep next to him and I kinda said no because a) I had asked Caitlin to walk all the way down to Arscott and I felt bad just going to bed and ditching her + I was planning on walking her back to UV b) I was still not happy about the speed dating thing and a little drunk too.
Oh so Caitlin's John and Damian arrived back from the bar, John was so pissed he pushed two couches together and fell asleep. I was lying on a couch at this point in time and Damian got another one a pushed it together with mine. Caitlin left and got walked back to UV with Logan and the girl. Damian kept putting his arm on my and I kept moving it off. It got fairly annoying. Casey was in the next room playing pool by himself.
So i'm gonna skip over the next bit real quick. So I decide to get up and go to bed, Damian gets up too and we wake John up. Damian and John leave and I say goodnight to Casey but he don't seem too friendly. I walk out but I look back and he motions for me to come back so I do. We kinda fight a bit. Not real angry fighting, but I told him that Damian liked me and he was all like "well if you like him too you should persue him" and i'm like "but i'm with you" and he's like "maybe we should put this, whatever this is, on hold for a while so you can" and i'm like "..."
Thats where the steamroller really took off. We had a terrible conversation and so I just left. I almost made it to my room before I started crying. Apparently he sat in the stairwell for like ages. He called me twice, the first time I didn't answer and the second time he's like "how much do you really like this guy?" and I fobbed him off and told him I didn't want to talk about it now because I was tired.
About 10 minutes later I called his room and asked him to come down so we could talk about stuff. I didn't want to go to bed fighting. After another bad conversation I kinda actually did some talking. I told him bout the speed dating thing and the fact that he doesn't talk to me in public and apparently he was angry at me for the same reason (not the speed dating thing tho). He asked what I wanted and I told him that I wanted to hold his hand when we're outside and be allowed to kiss him and for him to put his arm around me. And he told me that he had told people about the relationship, Jeff and Nunny. So that made me feel better.
It was almost 4 by the time we got to bed (he slept next to me in my room) and he had to work the next day so his alarm was set for like 7. He didn't actually get up until 8 tho. We're still going out tonight and he's gonna call me at 2. He always smells nice, I don't know what it is but it's a total 'him' smell.
So uh... anyway... we're having a birthday dinner for Damian on Sunday coz it was his birthday on the 5th of Feb but we didn't know him then. Now I don't really want to go. So i'm going to have to see if i'll turn up or not. I have to go shopping with Caitlin anyway to buy hats and ingredients and stuff. I think we're gonna cook pasta.
Fletch was at the Uni bar last night when we were playing pool and he didn't seem to happy. He said he'd had a bad day but he didn't tell me why. I had to bugger off coz of Chloe but I asked him again this morning and he still wouldnt tell me. I said he could knock on my door anytime if he wanted to talk.
Casey called it "being mowed over" by me. He means it in a bad way btw.
Fuck i'm tired.
01 March 2006
* Talk to you later *
So... uh... watched the OC with Casey last night... lots of people there... he only held my hand for like 5 seconds. Meh. Um... after he dropped me back at my room.
I was bored back in my room so I called Adam and dropped down his photos that he forgot, and then we went to find Damian but he wasn't in his room, Logan told us he saw him walking around the lake with 'some girl' (aka shannon). We left him a message and he called when he got back and Adam and I went to hang out in his room. Almost fell asleep in there again.
Went back to my room at like 11ish.
At midnight my light was still on and Casey was going from the courtyard to bed so he came up and said hi. Looked through my economics notes. Etc. Wrote me a message on my whiteboard. Omg it was so funny, he went to leave right and he almost walked out without his phone and then he's like three steps out the door and i'm like "shoes" and he came back for his shoes, and then he's down the hall and says "did i leave my keys in there?" lol.
And so when Casey comes to visit at midnight im talking to Jasha on msn and he's like "is that your boyfriend? You can tell me" and i'm like "no, i told you I don't have a boyfriend" Anyway Shannon's gonna do some recon into it coz its making me worry that maybe he has a girlfriend maybe back home or something.
* ... *
Nothing To Blog About.
28 February 2006
* Lets get ready to RUUUMMMBLE! *
Okay so there's this whole Damian vs Casey mud wrestling match going on in my head. Yes, Casey asked me out. Yes, Casey kissed me. Yes, I partook in this with the knowledge that Damian may possibly like me.
So anyway yesterday Caitlin and I went to the Labour Club for dinner with John, John and Damian. I thought I had told Caitlin that Casey and I made out but she heard "went out" so when I told her again her and I were just all giggles. The boys had no idea what was going on. So anyway... after the labour club I walked caitlin to the street and then walked back through the courtyard, I ran into Casey. So I had a chat with him. There were people all around so i was all 'omg kiss me again' in my head but we didn't coz there were people around (worst english sentence ever). So yeah... anyway... later that night I called adam to ask him how his tute was so he came up to my room and we hung out. I was avoiding doing work so we went down to the green room to watch tv, on the way we met Damian so we decided to watch tv in his room instead. So the three of us hung out.
Conversation got on the subject slightly and Damian asked what Caitlin and I were giggling about all night and so I told them that I made out with Casey. Damian said that he wanted a girlfriend and I asked if there were any girls and he said there were two but they were both taken. I knew the first one was Caitlin and kinda new that the second one was me. I also told them that Casey asked if I was going out with either of them and Damian said "why didn't you say yes?" in this cute little voice and i'm like "i'm sorry". And it was all... arghey...
The conversation kinda drifted a bit, I was curled up on Damian's bed, the most comfortable place in the world (I love his doona). So I said I had to be in bed by 1am coz I had class this morning but I didn't want to leave. Adam left at about 10 past 1 and I stayed there with Damian, lying on his bed, occasionally saying stuff.
I said "I have to go" without making any effort to get up
He said "no, you don't have to"
I said "I kinda do"
He said "no, you don't have to"
ARGHHHHHHHHH. OMG. It's just that i'm so damn comfortable with Damian. We have so much in common and I can ask him questions and trust him. I worry because Casey asked me out, or at least decided to, before we had a real conversation. And he's 5 years and 4 months older than I am, and he's my first boyfriend so all those things that 23 year old guys want i'm totally not even close to being ready for. And I worry coz his hands were kinda up my shirt a tiny little bit when we were kissing. I just worry. But Shannon said that she thinks Casey really likes me.
Lol, Shannon's first reaction to the fact that Casey was my first kiss was "now you've started... go kiss some other guys". Lol. I didn't.
I worry that by going out with Casey, if it doesn't work out then i've forever ruined my chances with Damian coz I didn't pick him in the first place. I also worry that if I go out with Damian and we break up then we're gonna ruin this awesome friendship that we have at the moment. And kinda put Caitlin and Adam and Shannon in a weird place coz they're all friends with both of us.
My plan for the moment is to wash my clothes, go to my tutorial this afternoon, straighten my hair when I get back and see what happens tonight when I watch the OC with Casey. He doesn't seem keen in anyone else knowing bout the relationship yet which I understand coz we havent actually gone out yet. So i'm just gonna see what happens.
I sat with Damian on his bed until 1:45am this morning, I had to go coz I almost fell asleep.
I mean, the truth is that I would have gone out with Damian if he'd've asked me first.
27 February 2006
* ... interesting ... *
So all these posts seem to have disappeared... I don't know what happened to them.
Oh well.
So anyway... just got back from my first tutorial ever... complete waste of time. Annoying little girl thinking she knows everything, completely being a brat.
Argh. Sorry grumpy.
My ring watch broke yesterday =( *sob sob* It broke again! And I don't know if I can bother/afford to fix it again. I've got a real watch and i'm using that at the moment but I just don't like it as much, and I have to take it off to type anyway.
The other day Adam came and hung out in my room for a while, I was showing him pictures of all you guys on my computer, then I got a phone call from Casey asking if I was talking to myself coz he was in the courtyard and could see me through my window. Lol. So then I keep showing Adam and pictures and John (Caitlin's John) comes in and says hi. So the two of them hang around in my room, John is going through my music and telling my what appalling taste I have and Adam is hitting my wall with my spongebob hammer.
So John goes home and Adam and I go watch tv in the green room. Omg we have CABLE in the green room! I had NO IDEA!! I only found out that day.
Casey came and watched TV with Adam and I for a while.
So anyway... stuff happened.
And that was the end of that day.
The people in my tutorial today were... Christine, Meagan, Me, Laura, __, Vincent, Scott, David, Tegan, Megan, Rob, __, ... yeah i'm done, don't remember any more... ooh there was also Tom and Mark...
26 February 2006
* Be Friendly *
I'm so glad i've met the people the people here at uni that I now call my friends. They're fantastic. Like they're all great people that have helped me so much so far. It's only been like 2 weeks but I dont know how I would have survived this two weeks without them.
I miss all my old friends tho =(
* Watching the Union. *
Just a quick note to tell you that wilson had her first kiss at 3am on Sunday the 26th of February 2006 in the Green Room.
I couldn't sleep at all last night. Got back to my room at like 4am, slept for a couple of minutes. Was up again at 4:30-5:30 coz drunk people were screaming in the courtyard. And I woke up at 9:50 this morning for no particular reason.
Should go have a shower and then call Caitlin.