24 March 2006
* Place to be. *
Last night was a pretty good night. I knew it was going to be a good night because it started off pretty crap. So I washed my hair but it didn't dry quick enough so when I straightened it it just got really big and looked absolutely gross. Caitlin and I were supposed to be cooking dinner for Damian and Adam and Damian knocks on my door at like 9 and says that he's hungry and i'm in the middle of straightening Caitlin's hair. So we make him wait but then I realise that the grot man's stolen my big knife and my baking dish. Argh! So we can't use them.
I only bought one drink at the uni bar last night. Ooh remind me that I owe Caitlin $1.40. Anyway. So we took off up to the Uni bar at around 11ish. It was fairly empty when we got there which sucked. I've never seen it that empty before. But anyway we stuck it out coz there were enough people that was actually knew to entertain us for a while.
So anyway I got a little drunk coz I had a cruiser before we went up and half of Alicia's smirnoff on the way up and then I bought another smirnoff and then Casey bought me a smirnoff and then the hat guy bought me a vodka and orange. Damian put his arm around me again on the way home which was fine with Caitlin and Alicia were there (we went back to Arscott, dropped Alicia off and then Damian and I walked Caitlin back up to UV) but when it was just Damian and I walking back from Caitlin's I made him move it. It was actually a good thing my arm was around him when the four of us walked back, coz Damian jumped on a trolley on the path and if I wasn't there to hold him up he would have fallen backwards and probably cracked his head on the pavement.
Ooh I beat Damian and Jeremy (it was them vs. me) at pool after i'd had all the alcohol mentioned above minus the vodka and orange. Oh and they were both pretty sober.
Gonna have an easter party hopefully... i've gotta work out some dates but i'm hoping for good friday, it's friday the 13th which I think is very cool. I've gotta seen when Helz's concert is on just to make sure. I think it was around the 15thish or something.
I'm not sure how exactly im gonna organise the easter party. See coz I don't really have enough money to buy dinner for 40ish people. Would it be mean asking everyone to bring a couple of dollars for maybe bbq stuff and drinks? And even if I do that the probability of me getting money from everyone is pretty darn slim. Which reminds me, Ashley and Chris haven't paid me back for Terry's present yet. His birthday was in November. Am I still allowed to ask for it or have I left it too late that the window of opportunity has closed and I have to foot the bill myself. Wait, Ashley did give me $5 towards it.
I'm having money problems. My bank account just keeps getting lower and lower and I have to keep buying food. I really have to get a job but I worry that if I get one I will just fall further and further behind in my uni work. So it's kinda bad.
I think i've forgotten what my parents look like.
I was seriously thinking about not coming back to Syd for easter coz I don't have the cash to pay for it. But don't worry Steph i'll pay you back I promise.
23 March 2006
* Got this from Tahli *
1. What time did you get up this morning? Well the alarm went off at 7, so I was up at 7, 7:10, 7:30, 7:55, 8, 8:15, 8:45, 9, and finally got out of bed at 9:15.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds duh
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Date movie. Fairly crap. Had its moments.
4. What did you have for breakfast? Didn't have breakfast this morning. =( Bad me.
5. What is your favourite TV show? Uh... now its not fair to ask me this question as I have so many good quality answers. But at the moment the only show that I do follow is, in fact, the OC. But I don't actually really really like it or anything.
6. What is your middle name? =P buzz off.
7. What is your favourite cuisine? Chinese always
8. What foods do you dislike? seafood, not a fan of curry, ooh and beetroot and vegemite are just gross.
9. What is your favourite Potato chip? um... i've gone off chips at the moment... refuse to snack anymore... original pringles are nice tho.
10. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Uber Music.
11. What kind of car do you drive? Hahahahaha, drive. Funny.
12. What is your favourite sandwich? chicken n lettuce, or cheese, tomato and lettuce.
13. What characteristics do you despise? the girl who didn't move her bags from two seats on the bus even though people needed somewhere to sit down. She was a dickhead. They were tiny bags too. And I had this massive suitcase that I managed to put at my feet. Argh. The cow. Ooh and I have this thing against people who burp. Although its not really a 'characteristic'.
14. Favourite item of clothing? Uh... ooh I like my boots, I think they're nice.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would it be? At the moment i'm dreaming of New York, I want to go to Disneyland again, or maybe Disneyworld.
16. What colour is your fav? I don't have one, refuse to.
17. Favourite brand of clothing? Meh.
18. Where would you want to retire to? The same place I grew up.
19. Favourite time of day? Afternoon/Evening, or early morning when everyone else is asleep, just as long as i'm not tired.
20. Where were you born? Sydney
21. Favourite sport to watch? Uh... Uh... Gymnastics is pretty cool to watch, ooh and the diving... don't like swimming itself much tho, always a fan of netball tho coz I actually know whats going on.
22. Who do you least expect to send this back? Everyone, since i'm blogging it.
23. Person you expect to send it back first? Doubt anyone will.
24. What type of detergent do you use? Morning Fresh
25. Coke or Pepsi? Either
26. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night Owl.
27. What size shoe do you wear? Uh... 8.5ish
28. Do you have pets? 1 sexy beast.
29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everybody? Well if you read my blog, which you would have to if you're reading this, then you pretty much know all my news.
30. What did you want to be when you were little? A Singer, I absolutely always wanted to be a singer.
31. Favourite Candy Bar? Aero, peppermint
32. What is your best childhood memory? Playing 'episodes' with Mitchie, Jess and Erin
33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Sister, only daughter, they are both full time jobs in my family.
34. What colour underwear are you wearing? I think they're red.
35. Nicknames? wilson, wil, willie, wilbur, kath, katha, steph, stephy, smelly, tocles, seti, sis etc.
36. Piercing? Ears
37. Eye colour? Blue... kinda grey-ish... i duno i think they're kinda yucky but i'm glad they're blue
38. Ever been to Africa? Nope
39. Ever been toilet papered? Uh... no
40. Love someone so much it made you cry? nope.
41. Been in a car accident? Ya.
42. Croutons or bacon bits? Ooh... um... both, together
43. Favourite day of the week? At the moment it's thursdays coz I have 6hrs of lectures and then it's uni bar night.
44. Favourite restaurant? Dancing Chinese
45. Favourite flower? Not much of a fan, roses, tulips, probably.
46. Favourite ice cream? Rainbow =) You know, from like real ice cream shops.
47. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney.
48. Favourite fast food restaurant? Subway's growing on me at the moment, coz its nice and pretends to be healthy, but Maccas is just across the road and it's so cheap there...
49. What colour is your bedroom carpet? Uh... kinda grey with tiny red and blue sections everywhere.
50. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Once.
51. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? My parents.
52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I'm way too panicky to ever max out my credit card... but possibly Myer, coz they have everything... ooh or maybe JBHi-Fi
53. What do you do most often when you are bored? Sleep, study, blog
55. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Um... well noone really...
56. Last person/people you went to dinner with? Caitlin and Damian, Labour Club on Monday. $6.90 for the Chicken Schnitzel
57. Ford or Chevy? Meh,
58. What are you listening to right now? The birds, the traffic outside, people opening and slamming the doors to the building. The rhythmic clicking of the keyboard, and tick of my watch.
61. How many tattoos do you have? ... none ...
62. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I have 5 eggs in my fridge at the moment and I sure as hell don't hope they suddenly turn into chickens, so i'm gonna go with the chicken.
* Moderated Comments *
Had my test today. It wasn't terribly bad. It was only 40 multiple choice questions from the first six chapters of the text book but each of those chapters is about 30-40 pages so it's a little bit of work. Adam's kicking himself coz he checked one of his answers after and knows he got one question wrong. =) I got it right =)
Alicia's been here for the past couple of days, she's currently lying on my bed kinda sleeping. We're listening to Hilary Duff. The plan for tonight is for Caitlin, Adam, Damian, Alicia and I to all have dinner together, watch the amazing race and then go up to the uni bar, cept for Damian who said he has too much work.
Got my window fixed. The nice man came and just pushed it up so now it closes properly. Yay!
I'm supposed to call Mr P from school but i've tried heaps and he hasn't been there, and every time I get to some sort of answering machine I have to pay for a stupid interstate call. Argh. So I give up, he can call me if he really wants to talk to me. Poo to him.
Marketing lecture finished an hour early today. Was nice. Had time to get a paper, put in a maintenance form and was back in my room before 3. Aah. So nice. Heaps of work to do though. Got three assessments on tuesday. One for each of my tutorials. Argh. Very scary. Most of them are presentations so I actually have to say stuff in front of the class :o
22 March 2006
* Seattle *
Can't post. Supposed to be working. Have a test tomorrow. Probably won't get much sleep tonight.
20 March 2006
* Postage. *
Argh im sorry Keira. I read your message on Sunday night just after I got back to Berra. Argh. I decided to go back a day early so i'd have Monday here to rest and catch up on work.
I think i'm sick. I'm cold but i'm sweating and i'm kinda hot too. I've got a jacket on at the moment but I think I might put my ugg boots on too.
I have absolutely no food. No, i'm exaggerating. In my fridge in my room I have margarine, 5 eggs and red cordial. In the freezers in the common room I have about 5 slices of bread. I'm slightly worried. I just went to get a plate out of my food cupboard and neither of my full sized ones were there. And there was all this black stuff in there. If someone's nicked my plates i'm gonna have to buy some new ones. I'll check my cupboard again when ive finished my toast to see if anything else is missing. If the plates don't turn up i'm gonna have to go see the Grot man again on Wednesday because that means that someone probably used them and left them out on the bench and they were taken. Omg this is so annoying.
Oh and by the way, my cupboard was locked. So i'm all confused.