01 April 2006
* Blogger has my soul *
I'm so bad! I'm working on ANOTHER blog template. I've had it saved for a while but it's quite tricky to make everything work properly. I absolutely love the template though. I've gone through quite a bit and fixed it up and stuff but i've still got a fair bit to go. I don't know if i'm actually gonna change over from this one i'm using for this uni blog at the moment, coz I still like it... but I can have this one as a backup just in case I get bored.
I'm having problems with the noembed tags that u put on each side of the body tag to make the blogger search bar at the top disappear, it workes but coz of the blog code it pretty much fucks the whole thing up. So I may have to keep the blogger bar for a while.
* Emo-chika *
"you were emo before it was trendy"
Reading old blog posts... absolutely can't believe what a drama queen I was... omg I did not realise being a teenager was so... full-on.
* headspin *
Oh God Oh God Oh God.
My brother is going to meet my first boyfriend.
Oh God Oh God Oh God.
So anyway, Casey's probably coming to visit me during the easter break, for three days, thursday, good friday and saturday. He's flying to Sydney just to come see me. And the he's gonna fly back home. Wow, i'm terrified. My parents don't even know about him yet. Mitchell says he's not allowed to sleep in my bed so I have to bring back linen coz we have like NONE at home. Argh. Ooh and pillows... what am I going to do about pillows? Ooh Mum n dads bed has pillows... like 4 massive ones so that's alright. I'm not exactly sure what we're gonna do for two days, stuck at home with like no transportation. Mitchie says he'll make an effort to be home (argh!) but I don't like asking him to drive us far coz he has to pay for petrol.
They're playing drinking games in R-top at the moment. Jeff and Nunny walked past as I was eating dinner (at 11) and told me. Ooh and Jeff said that he thought Caitlin was cute, coz I introduced them at the bar last night.
Omg the pimp is having ANOTHER party. They're very loud. I hope they're not drunk.
But see... yesterday... before he left... Casey used a sentence that kinda weirded me out a bit... he said "when I was your age". It's a thing that you expect your grandparents to say, and he followed it up with "no actually I was a bit older, like 19 or 20".
Argh I have a headache.
31 March 2006
* the top of the year... *
I shall quickly tell you about my Uni Bar night in the most awe-worthy way possible, before explaining it properly.
I gave a guy my phone number.
Ricky kissed me.
Bob said that he thought Caitlin and I were "totally hot" and said that it sucked that "all the nice girls are taken".
Well... okay it's not very awe-worthy but its good enough for me. So shall I explain? Well okay. So the boys cooked dinner... by "the boys" I mean Damian cooked and Adam just kinda stood there...cooking really only takes one person. So anyway, Caitlin and I hung around, hid in Damian's room for a bit coz there were so many other people in the kitchen and we felt like outsiders. When Caitlin and I went up to get plates from my cupboard Amy is like "watcha cookin' girls?" and i'm like "we're making the boys cook" and she's like "which boys?" and she doesn't actually know them but I said "Adam and Damian" and she's like "what're they cooking?" and we're like "we don't know, they haven't told us" and she's like "romantic dinner then?" and we just cracked up laughing.
So after dinner, which consisted of pasta and sausages in the pasta, Caitlin and I got our first drinks and sat around in Damian's room kinda watching tv. Then we got our second drinks. And I went up to see Casey coz I promised that i'd visit. So he's running around his room packing so I just lie on his bed drinking. Lol. So anyway he has to go take a shower so I head back down to Damian's room for a while. I'd finished my 4th standard drink by then so I was a bit light headed [i always make sure I have a real dinner on thursdays if i'm gonna go drinking]. So Caitlin and I are hanging round on Damian's bed and laughing at everything, Damian is playing the computer. At one point Caitlin pushes me off the bed and i'm like grabbing onto her arm to stop me from hitting the floor. I think it was about when I said that her and John were gonna have fat babies or something... hmmm...
So 25minutes later I wanted back to Casey's room, i knock but there's no answer so I just open the door and go lie on his bed. I'm kinda sleeping there when he comes back in. He's still running round packing all this stuff so I just kinda sit there.
[holy crap how many times do I use the word "kinda"?]
Um... so he leaves at like 10:45, I walk him out to the dumpster (I know, so romantic) but let him walk the rest of the way alone coz it's dark and darkness freaks me out =S. So then I go back to Caitlin and Damian, I run up to my room and get changed into a more "Uni Bar" type outfit and then we go up to the bar.
It wasn't really that crowded up there, there was a band playing but people don't seem to tend to dance if there's a band on. So we see lil' John and say hi. There was a black n white part on before so heaps of people were already totally pissed.
Anyway I don't remember much of the specifics. I owed Caitlin $2 so I bought her a vodka and orange and one for myself. Later we got a vodka and raspberry which we both agreed wasn't particularly charming. Then even later we got another vodka and orange each, but it was good coz we didn't have to pay for that one =D
Caitlin's John was really drunk... like to the point that I was worried about him, he was kinda just sitting and staring into space for ages, and then he got another beer which Caitlin and I tried to drink before he could but it was beer and very gross.
Spoke to Bob for a while, he said he's disappointed that Caitlin and I are both taken... oh by the way he was soooooooooooooooooo drunk. He got kicked out of the bar at 12:30 coz he was too drunk.
Oh yeah, saw Ricky, i'm like "hey" and he walks over and gives me this like massive hug and i'm like "okay". And then later [oh he's like totally trashed btw] we see him again and he comes up to me and he like kisses me between my cheek and my lips, not sure what he was aiming for, and then just walks off. Caitlin says to me "wow that top is good" and we just start laughing.
We go find Damian and he's chatting to a bunch(3) of guys we don't know. So we go talk to them. It was Aaron, Josh and Max. Josh is doing architecture with Damian so thats how they knew each other. They were all quite nice, i'm sure i've seen Max around before now and then. Aaron's doing a BSc in his second year, he seems like such a science nerd, but he was really nice. Yeah I think he was trying to pick me up but Damian tells Josh who tells Aaron that i'm taken, and they all start laughing, well Josh completely breaks into laughter. Meanwhile Max is over at the bar buying us all drinks. My second vodka and orange for the night. It was after midnight which sucked for him coz between 10 and midnight basic spirits are only $2, but after they go up to like $4.50. But at least we didn't ask for a smirnoff. I've decided that they're too expensive to ask for if someone else is buying me a drink... so vodka n orange it is. Actually vodka n coke is quite nice too, which is what lil John always gets, Damian always gets burbon and coke which is completely gross.
So I gave Aaron my number, but he knew I was taken we're on a level playing field.
Lil John went home by himself so I told him to leave me a voicemail message when he got back so I knew he got home safe. We totally have to find him a girlfriend coz he keeps going on about how not handsome he is. It's so annoying. There's nothing wrong with him. Argh.
I got odd phone calls last night... possibly lil John called coz I left him a voicemail when I got back coz he hadn't left me one, either he called or I imagined the whole thing. And I got some other random message saying Dirt was coming up in like 20minutes and i'm like "wtf?". Dirt is a guy who lives on my floor btw.
Ooh and they decided to have a fire drill at like 6:20 this morning. The alarm is going off and we're all like "wa? duh?" and so I put on my Ugg boots, pick up my keys and quietly meander along with the rest of the building's population out to the grassy area. It was a cool and refreshing night. Lol.
Argh I need my brother to call... I have to ask him some stuff.
Oh and I was told not to kiss any other boys this weekend and I told Casey "not to kiss any girls... or boys... no actually you can kiss boys, but just don't kiss any girls" and he said that he didn't want to. =D Awww... so cute.
30 March 2006
* *sneeze* *
I'm not hungry... okay so my stomach is making noises... but i'm not actually hungry... and it's really odd coz i've eaten about 10 M&Ms today. Okay maybe 12. But don't worry, i'm having a real proper dinner tonight, Damian and Adam are supposed to be cooking. I don't know if I can Uni bar it tonight... i've got an assessment due tomorrow.
Ooh I got the results from my management test back yesterday. The one I did last week. I duno... i'm alright with my grade but the mark itself is pretty shotty. Apparently about 14 people (out of 300) got Distinctions... he said there were "a couple" of High Distinctions. I was appalled, 14 out of 300. It was a multiple choice quiz! how hard could they be. Yeah I got a distinction but I only JUST got a distinction, Silvia got a credit and she got one mark less than me. I think 30-32 was distinction range. 33+ was High D. I got 30. It was only worth 10% so I got pleanty of time to make it up later. Economics exam next week tho, the same kinda thing, 40 multiple choice questions... cept this one is 1.5hrs and worth 30%. So I think it's gonna be pretty difficult. I started studying this afternoon. Got about 12 chapters to get through. Argh.
I have to do washing.
Slept through my Economics lecture this morning... argh i'm so annoyed... I blame Casey for calling and waking me up at 12:40. Argh. Yeah but I was up with the alarm at 7:30... i just didn't want to get out of bed.
Walked back from Marketing and Management lectures at 3:30 today. It was raining, not heavy rain but constant rain... like the kind of rain that's great for the garden. But it's kinda bad for me see... coz I was in a t-shirt and thongs. And there were puddles! I had an umbrella thankfully coz I straightened my hair yesterday for uni bar tonight... if I end up going...
I hope I don't get sick.
29 March 2006
* An Australian *
Things to scab off my parents when they get back:
- dishwashing liquid
- printer paper
- printer cartridges
- shampoo/conditioner
- shower gel
I sms'd my bro and told him to call me next time he's at home (so the family'll have to pay)... I havent spoken to him in ages... but I want to ask him if he'll be at home or uni from the 13th to the 15th of April... thurs to sat... coz uh... case might come down to visit... and i dont particularly want my brother to be around... but if i tell him case is coming then he'll probably make an effort to be at home... i really don't want them to meet... it's gonna be so weird... and mitchie says he can't sleep in my room (coz we had a hypothetical before) coz mum and dad never allowed mitchie to have girls in his bed... but if my parents aren't around...
I havent actually told my parents about Casey... i only will if we're still together when they get back in the country... it's just coz i've only spoken to them in really short emails and it hasn't actually come up in the conversation... well the conversation is mainly them describing what they have done previously and them "hoping you are well" etc.
If I go to sleep now I can have a good almost 8 hour sleep before I have to go to class... meh... i duno what im gonna do... read the newspaper for about 5 hours today... i read the weekend paper, mondays paper, tuesdays paper and today's paper... I read The Australian coz I got a subscription. Cost me $15 for the year... i thought it was worth it.
I'm so bad. I've eaten M&Ms, two pieces of bread and a bowl of fruit today... Argh!
* Pocket Money *
So Keira was talking about a 5 year plan on her blog. And I must admit it had absolutely no impact on me at the time, but now i've been reading the newspaper for the past three hours and i'm thinking that I might like to come up with some ideas for my own plan.
So... 5 years eh...
Well I want to graduate from University with a degree.
I want to get a full-time job. A good job. Hopefully as part of the 'running' side of a business. Like the managing and making things work part.
Ooh and I want to buy a house. Or maybe I shall change my mind and buy a business instead. But I think a house would be more practical at first. It could be an apartment.
I don't really know what other plans to make. Ooh and i'm probably not actually gonna live in the house. I shall possibly live with my parents still... to save on rent and all that. The house shall be rented out.
Don't know how much of it's gonna actually happen... it's all kinda depending on other stuff and actual money stuff. Omg so I got $60 out of the bank today and my balance actually went up! Like What The...? I think Dad's somehow got my allowance so it automatically went into my account at the... almost beginning of the month. Coz I got the amount that my allowance is... minus the $60 I took out. I'm so happy! I'm like "omg thank god"... i've almost got $1,000 in there again. I was so petrified of running out of money in that account and not being able to buy food... actually I was really just rather worried about spending my savings that i've been saving since my dollarmite account in primary school.
* My boy. *
I'm just posting this one coz he's so cute. I took one photo where he wasn't smiling which he proceeded to delete but he promised to smile for the next one cept I just kept the camera on him without taking the photo until he started laughing which is when I took the photo.
* Bubbles, bubbles *
Omg so i'm currently eating the absolutely bestest food in the world.

So after I left off yesterday I went to the Labour Club with Caitlin and Damian... i don't think it's as nice on tuesdays... anyway, so we got back and went to Damian's room coz he was gonna go to the gym with John and we had to wait for John to do somethingorother. I left them at about 8:30 coz I was gonna go watch the OC and left Caitlin with Damian, making him promise to walk her to her door on the way to the gym.
Went up to my room, changed my shoes etc, went up to Casey's and got there exactly as the OC started. It was fantastic timing... sucked tho coz i'd already seen the episode, I saw it when we were in America. So Case and I have seemed to get into the habit of watching the Oc together every week, with the exception of last week where he was still in Melbourne. See coz a Tuesday was originally gonna be our first date but instead of going out we watched the OC together in the green room... duno how long that was ago. But anyway... we watched the OC and then Rove and then the News and then some comedy thing. We, or at least I, fell asleep at about 1 and woke up at 2 when I went back to my room and slept in my bed.
Woke up at 9 to go see the Grot men, my baking dish was NOT there so somebody must have stolen it which i'm mightily pissed about. I'm hoping that I can hold out without one until easter when I can hopefully nick one from home. I only used the one I had like twice coz I only bought it about 2 weeks ago, it was $10. And I wonder why i'm having money problems.
So anyway I got back to my room and fell back asleep. Was woken up by a phone call at like 11:15. It was Bluey. Now let me explain something, bluey lives on R-bottom I think, i've never spoken to him before cept for the casual 'hey' in the corridoor or the nod of acknowledgement. I swear he had no idea who I was. So anyway he calls and asks about Economics. I had no idea he was doing economics. I had no idea he knew my phone number... it was just weird. But anyway he comes up and I give him the notes that the guy in my tute printed off for everyone. He's got his presentation this afternoon and was having trouble with the questions, cept he wasn't doing the ones that I was doing so I couldn't really help.
Yeah so after he left I was awake, I cleaned my room mostly and then I went out. I had to go up to the ATM at uni, get a newspaper and buy chocolate. Then I went to Caitlin's place to pick up the bread that she bought for me yesterday, argh I forgot to pay her for it, so I owe caitlin $2. She also gave me back my jacket that she borrowed for the Labour club yesterday, then I went down to the hut, put $20 on my laundry card, filed another maintenance report about my sinking window and picked up the yellow pages.
Got back to my room, opened the M&Ms, decided that they were absolutely fucking delicious. Went down to Damian's room and gave him a couple, he liked them, went up to John's room and gave him some, he liked them too, went to the R-top common room and ran into Casey, he agreed that they were absolutely delicious, he wanted to borrow detergent so I went down to get it, passed (other) John on the way, gave him some M&Ms, got back upstairs, gave Jeff M&Ms, offered Logan M&Ms, (see how nice am I, offering them to everyone!), threw some bubbles at Casey, and now i'm back downstairs working... well I shall be working soon.
Ooh and i'm drinking milk coz i've got milk that expires tomorrow and i've barely had any so i'm like trying to drink 1L of milk by midnight. Lol.
This is john's hair just after he fudged it blue-black. He doesn't like it so flat but it was because he just washed it.

Ooh and this is me after playing with my hair curler, i've only done little bits on the sides of my face but you can still see it.
28 March 2006
* cya going to the labour club *
I just can't stop smiling =D. I'm absolutely so happy at the moment, someone put a radio in the bathroom and I was dancing in the shower, thats how happy I am at the moment.
I had three assessments due today. They're all over!! One was a hand-in Marketing Brief on Mitsubishi and the other two were both presentations. Technically the ISO one is due to be handed in on Friday by 5pm but we had to present it to the class today. Yeah I know, I should really have finished the assignment before the presentation. But meh.
Economics went the best I think, my ISO presentation wasn't great because none of the class reacted. I felt better in Economics coz one guy (who did his just before mine) smiled at me and looked like he was interested, thats all I needed. Said hey to Jeff on the radio on my way back home.
Plan for this afternoon:
- finish this blog post
- attack legs
- clean room
- do washing
- call damian and ask when he's going to the labour club (caitlin and I are gonna go but we might just get take-away depending on how much work she gets done)
- do jobs folder due friday
- start drinking (will possibly drink before doing assignment, make it more interesting)
- watch the oc with case
I'll probably nodd off pretty early tonight... I stayed up till 5am Sunday night, and till 4:30 last night.
Lol, it was so cute. Okay so on Sunday night im stressing about these assignments that were due today. I'm working late but I fall asleep on my bed at 1am and wake up at 3am coz i'd left my radio and light on. About 5 minutes later I hear a bicycle bell outside my window, it's casey who just got back from the computer labs doing his essay. So I let him in, he goes to his room first and dumps his bag and then comes to visit me. He lies down on my bed and proceedes to fall asleep. Meanwhile i'm sitting up at my computer till 5am doing the stupid assignment. We got up at like 10:30 monday morning, thank god I didn't have class till 11:30.
I skilled the ritual labour club dinner last night to do work but ended up being starving and having to cook myself a burger which took like an hr altogether (had to cook, eat and then wash up). Somebody nicked my baking dish so I have to go see if the grot men have it tomorrow morning. Argh they're gonna totally get to know me. The young guy seems nice. He laughs at me.
I'm really tired but I don't wanna fall asleep now, too much stuff to do. The washing is piling up and it's about time to wash my sheets. I feel so much more independent since high school. Being here means I can't rely on my parents to drive me places, I have to get a lift or (much more likely) catch the bus to get anywhere other than uni or the shops. But it's nice to do my own shopping and cooking and washing. Makes me feel much older and all that. Although the money thing is starting to become an issue. Maybe I can get some quick work in the easter break at home... hmmmmm... wonder if anyone's hiring. Probably pointles coz I will have to learn the lingo and by the time i've done that i'll be gone again. Damian's starting at Woolies soon I think, he had a meeting with the manager a while back.
Oh by the way, things are totally back to normal between Damian and I, well at least I think so. I've gotten back into the swing of hanging out with him and it being just the two of us, he cooked me stir fry the other day, coz he had too much so we cooked together and watched Matilda.
Ooh and John Fudged his hair black. Argh! Nah actually it looks alright, Caitlin and I were totally trying to convince him out of it but he did it yesterday, knocked on my door at like 11 and I was like 'whoa'. I love John's hair, don't know why, but I just decided that I love it.
Yeah I think i'm gonna skip the easter party thing, it's too stressful and I always hate my own parties... well most of the time... unless i'm drinking that is. But if i'm drinking I just look spastic. Actually I think i'm gonna have a smirnoff tonight. Just one... maybe two... maybe twelve... hey I probably have 12. Lol.
I think there's a B&W party at the Uni bar on thursday or friday... i'm not sure which... i'll go if there's no cover charge. They have $2 basic spirits and beer from 10-12pm so I think i'm gonna start on the vodka n oranges. Argh i'm such an alco.
Oh Bob likes War of the Worlds the Musical!! Hahaha. He's so cool. Lol.
90% of you guys are gonna laugh when you read this but I bought a hair curler the other day. And if that's not funny enough... I burnt my forehead. There's like this red splodge on it at the moment, it's really annoying.
I have to go to the hut tomorrow to put more money on my laundry card and to file ANOTHER maintenance report about my window that just slides open. Argh. And I have to go to the computer labs to get some work done. I could just take my floppy drive and do the work back here... I don't know what I want to do just yet. And i'll walk up to uni to get a paper.
Argh so hungry.
Caitlin's grocery shopping at the moment, I'd normally go with her but i'm so tired and have so much crap to do that I decided not to, and I don't really need anything... well cept bread, and she's been kind enough to buy me bread. =)
26 March 2006
* We had a floor meeting, we sat on chairs. *
It seems that i'm allowed to kiss other boys in this relationship i'm in at the moment. It's odd. No, it's not like he said "yeah go kiss other dudes, i totally dont mind", and it's not like i've kissed anyone else 'sides Damian. Casey just asked how many guys I kissed on thursday at Uni bar coz he left fairly early. It was just like this...
Him: So how many guys did u kiss?
Me: None
Him: You can tell me, I don't mind
Me: None, well I kissed you, so one, but other than you, none
And that was about it... interesting... but I don't want to kiss other boys while i'm in this relationship, older people r weird with their funny dating rules and stuff. It also makes me worry that he goes around and kisses other girls. I don't think he does... im just kinda paranoid.
Oh and i'm avoiding doing my work. I have two assessments due on tuesday. One is almost finished, needs about another hour, the second is almost half finished, i'm doing it at the moment, and then third hasn't really been started but it doesn't need much research. I'm staying up tonight until i've finished the assignment im doing at the moment, and i've got to do some of the other one. I've got a lecture at 11:30 tomorrow morning and then some times before my management tute but im gonna spend that time doing the questions for the tute so I really only have from 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. I'm gonna be pushing it for time. But when these are done i've only got one more test before the holidays kick in. I think im gonna spend the entire holidays studying which should be fun... i've just got to make sure I take everything I need home.
Argh the radio is like totally static. Argh its shitting me.
* Marketing Brief *
Caitlin offered that I could go to her house this easter to visit. I'm kinda tempted but I don't know if I want to. I don't really want to go home. It's nothing to do with my friends so don't act all pissy and think it's all about you. It's just that my parents won't be there and my brother only has a week off so i'm going to spend most of the time hanging out in my house because I can't drive and get anywhere. Jess is leaving at some point but i'm not actually sure when so I don't know if she'll be around either.
So i'm seriously thinking of taking Caitlin up on her offer. She said her parents would pick me up from Melbourne. So the plan would be for me to go home to Sydney on the 7th, go to steph's party, have an easter party, then fly to melbourne on the saturday with Casey for $116 and then go to Caitlin's and he'll go to his house.
Yeah it's not gonna happen. I'm just not willing to spend that much money on a flight to melbourne. I'm running out of cash pretty quickly so I think i'll just hang out at my house. The proposed date for my easter party is Friday the 13th of April which is Good Friday. I wouldn't normally have a party on good friday but it's kinda in the middle of stuff. I worry coz the (old skool) group is going to the easter show on the saturday... but I still want to have the party then.
Any comments on the stingyness of asking people to bring money? I could ask people to bring food themselves... or maybe I could just have the party starting at like 8 and tell people to eat beforehand coz we'll only have finger food and stuff. Maybe that could work. Please tell me what u think... i'm indecisive.
Cooked a burger for lunch today at 3:30. I figured if I cooked late enough I wouldn't have to have dinner and we've having a floor meeting in the common room at 8:30 tonight... gonna talk about random crap.
Only two weeks before i'm home. It's not long. Hmmm... I want to meet Stephy's friends before her party so I kinda know them at least a bit before they meet 'everybody'. They seem nice enough, although I only spoke to Hugh and (argh I can never remember anyone else's name) the other guy and Alex on the telephone once.
Maybe i'll go over next weekend... it should be alright then... i've got three assessmnts due on tuesday and a test next week but I should have enough time to escape for an afternoon. Hopefully not a Sunday when the buses are crap and stop running at 7.